Interpreting Services FAQ
Why do I need to hire an interpreter?First and foremost, you're unlikely to communicate effectively with an individual when there is no shared language. Hiring an interpreter bridges that gap.
Beyond the logistical reasoning, there's also legal obligations to consider. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination based on national origin, stating that “no person shall on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.” The best way to ensure this is to provide language assistance services such as a professional Interpreter and/or translated documents. What is the risk of non-compliance?In the event that a complaint alleging a Title VI violation is made, the recipient could be faced with a compliance review by the Department of Justice (DOJ). If the DOJ proves intentional discrimination, all federal assistance may be terminated and private plaintiffs may sue for monetary damages and injunctive relief.
Why do I have to have two Interpreters for my assignment?Interpreting is a very taxing activity, both mentally and physically. Research has shown that anInterpreter’s ability to mentally process the message and interpret it accurately diminishes drastically after approximately 20 minutes of interpreting. Therefore, when an assignment is over 1-2 hours, two interpreters may be scheduled depending on the type of assignment. All simultaneous Interpreting assignments over 1 hour require a team Interpreter. In the event of team Interpreters, they will rotate every 15-20 minutes to ensure that the message is interpreted accurately for the full length of you assignment.
Who is required to pay for an interpreter?We always advise clients to speak with their legal representation to obtain a firm answer on whether their business is obligated by law to cover interpreting/translation costs. As every case is unique, EIS cannot provide a firm blanket answer.
However, and broadly speaking, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act states that any federally funded agency is required to pay for an Interpreter. This means that if your agency, department, service or business receives any funding from the government, then your services must be accessible to all individuals, regardless of their national origin. Examples of federally funded agencies would be:
Isn't it expensive to provide Interpreting services?If you've never used an interpreter before there can be a sense of sticker shock when suddenly having to pay for a service you may not have even known existed. While the exact pricing will vary depending on a number of variables (language, location, duration) there are several ways our clients can mitigate the costs.
First, speak with your accountant. Keeping track of your interpreting expenses can be a useful habit come tax season when those costs may be partially or largely written off. Second, budgeted so that accessibility services is an expected piece of your annual plan can soften the process financially. Third, exploit this new service as a marketing tool. If you're going to be paying for interpreters you might as well make it known to an underserved part of the customer pool that you now provide communication that your competitors may not. Our clients have also found that using our services can actually save money in the follow ways:
QualificationsSomeone in my office knows multiple languages. Can we use that person interpret when needed?We often encounter situations where good intentioned individuals who know a little or are even fluent in a language try to act as an impromptu interpreter in professional settings. It might seem logical in the moment but the results can be problematic. We think of it like having a strange noise coming from under the hood of your car, but instead of taking it to an actual mechanic, you ask the advice of a co-worker who tinkers with cars in their spare time. It might work out this time but we wouldn't suggest risking it.
Professional Interpreting is a complex task that requires more than knowledge of some spoken language. The process of translating from one language to another requires a high level of proficiency in both languages, as well as knowing principles of accurate interpretation. Professional Spoken Language Interpreters receive professional training and hold various certifications or certificates. Many tend to specialize in one or two areas, for example: legal and medical Interpreting. Each area has different requirements. If you use someone who is fluent in both languages, but who lacks formal Interpreter training, there is no guarantee of the quality, accuracy or confidentiality of information. How do I know if an interpreter is qualified?As mentioned above, Spoken Language Interpreters have various requirements depending on language, content that will be interpreted and where it will take place. Below are a few links that show you the qualifications of a Certified Medical Interpreter and a Court Certified Legal Interpreter in New York.
Certified Medical Interpreter: Prerequisites Certified Medical Interpreter: Steps Towards Certification New York State Unified Court System: Court Interpreting Services Exam All of our Spoken Language Interpreters adhere to a strict code of professional conduct, according to their specialty area: Medical: IMIA Standards of Practice IMIA Code of Ethics NCIHC Standards of Practice NCIHC Code of Ethics Legal: NAJIT Code of Ethics & Professional Responsibilities |